
Shop your favourite items and earn points! Now, you can make the most of your purchases.

For every dollar you spend, you'll earn 1 point. You can use your points to get discounts on future purchases. So the more you shop, the more you save!

With the Smile loyalty program, you can easily redeem your points for discounts. It's the best way to get more bang for your buck!

  • Click "Rewards"

    Click the rewards button at the bottom right of your screen.

  • Click "Join now"

    This will give you the option of signing in as a new member or as someone who has already purchased from us.

  • Create an account/Log in

    We will ask you to create an account or log in if you are a retiring customer. If you've purchased with us, be sure to use the email you used to purchase from us. It may pick up your points once you've registered.

  • Confirm Account

    You'll receive an email confirming your account. Once you've verified your account you will have access to see how many point you have. It will give you an option to redeem as a coupon.