Traveling with Less Impact - How To Make your Airbnb More Eco Friendly

Traveling with Less Impact - How To Make your Airbnb More Eco Friendly

By implementing eco-friendly strategies, hosts can reduce the energy consumption, water use and waste generated by their airbnb rental property. This not only helps to cut down on costs but also creates a more positive environmental impact while providing guests with an enjoyable experience. The benefits of a more eco-friendly airbnb include lower utility bills, improved guest comfort, less pollution and waste production as well as better public relations when it comes to promoting your business.

Here are a few strategies you can use to create a more environmentally friendly Airbnb and use as a value add for your business.

Reducing Waste

Reducing disposable items can be done by removing single-use plastics and replacing them with reusable dishware, silverware and glassware. Hosts can introduce biodegradable alternatives to plastic baggies or foil wrap commonly used in the kitchen. By providing sustainable amenities like shampoo bars instead of bottled products, guests will not only experience a more eco-friendly stay but also save money in the process. Guest can also use glass bottles that can be repurposed for other uses.

In addition to reducing waste from disposables, hosts should encourage their guests to reuse items within the house during their stay. This could include using cloth napkins instead of paper towels as well as linen tablecloths rather than disposable ones for meals. Hosts can also provide extra storage containers for any food scraps that may have been brought into the rental property so that they don’t end up in the garbage bin at the end of a guest's stay.

Conserve Water

Conserving water is one of the most important sustainable practices for Airbnb hosts. Choosing water-saving plumbing fixtures, such as low-flow faucets and showers, will help reduce the amount of water used in a rental property and lead to lower utility bills. Additionally, collecting rainwater from gutters can be used for gardening or washing cars; this too provides an opportunity to save money on your water bill.

Hosts should also take steps to reduce the amount of water consumed during guest cleaning. This could involve implementing a policy that encourages guests to reuse towels instead of having them replaced each day or providing biodegradable laundry detergent which uses less energy and resources than traditional products. Hosts may choose to use eco-friendly cleaning supplies when tidying up between rentals in order to minimize their impact on the environment while still providing a clean space for their guests.

Educating your guests about conserving water is another way you can promote sustainable practices at your airbnb rental property. By including information about local restrictions on watering lawns during certain times or ways they can conserve while using appliances like dishwashers and washing machines.

Save Electricity

Installing solar panels on the roof is an excellent way to save electricity and reduce energy costs for Airbnb hosts. Solar panels convert sunlight into usable energy, allowing you to power your rental property without relying on traditional sources of electricity. Installing solar panels can also help increase the value of your airbnb rental, which in turn can lead to higher bookings and better occupancy rates.

In addition to investing in renewable energy solutions such as solar panels, they could include replacing all lights with LED bulbs, which are more efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs and last longer - reducing replacement costs as well as overall energy consumption. Additionally, unplugging any unused appliances or electronics will help minimize unnecessary power draw from the grid while providing a safe environment for guests if they forget to switch off items like hair dryers before leaving their room.

Finally, educating guests about how they can conserve electricity during their stay is another great way for airbnb hosts to promote sustainable practices at their rentals. Hosts can provide information about how turning off lights when not in use or using natural light instead whenever possible helps save both money and energy while still ensuring a comfortable experience for each guest that visits!

Home Insulation

In order to further reduce energy consumption and improve efficiency in an Airbnb rental property, home insulation is a great way to go. Insulating walls and attics properly can help keep temperatures inside the house more consistent while also preventing heat from escaping during colder months. Additionally, air leaks around windows and doors should be fixed with weather-stripping or sealants as this will prevent any unnecessary drafts which could lead to higher heating costs.

Installing draught-proof windows and doors is another great option for reducing energy bills at an Airbnb rental. Not only do these provide better insulation than standard windows, but they are also aesthetically pleasing as well - providing a more pleasant atmosphere for your guests during their stay. Furthermore, installing double glazed windows helps conserve even more energy by trapping heat between two layers of glass; this reduces the amount of time it takes for the space to warm up after being opened or closed since less cold air enters into the room when opening/closing it!

Finally, investing in smart thermostats can make all the difference when it comes to regulating temperature within an Airbnb rental property. Smart thermostats allow hosts to set schedules that adjust heating levels according to occupancy rates or even time of day; this ensures that guests always have comfortable temperatures without wasting too much electricity on unused timeslots like overnight when no one is staying in the house!

Recycle Waste

In addition to separating rubbish for recycling and composting, Airbnb hosts can encourage their guests to use biodegradable garbage bags which are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic ones. These bags decompose quickly when exposed to the environment and will not add unnecessary waste into landfills or contribute to the growing issue of ocean pollution caused by single-use plastics.

Moreover, composting organic food waste is another great way of reducing carbon emissions from your Airbnb rental property. By creating a compost bin in your garden, you can turn kitchen scraps such as fruit peels, vegetable trimmings, eggshells and coffee grounds into rich fertilizer that will benefit any plants or flowers around your home. This method requires little effort on behalf of the host while providing beneficial nutrients for soil health - making it an ideal solution for those looking to reduce their environmental footprint!

Finally, educating guests about recycling practices is one more way airbnb hosts can promote sustainable living at their rental properties. Hosts should provide information about local recycling services and what items should be disposed in each bin; this helps ensure that all waste generated during a guest's stay is properly taken care of without adding additional strain to the planet’s resources!

Sustainable Transport

One way to promote sustainable transport practices at an Airbnb rental property is to encourage guests to use public transportation whenever possible. Hosts can provide information about local train and bus services, as well as any discounts available for tourists or visitors staying in the area. This not only helps reduce carbon emissions from private vehicles but also gives guest a chance to explore the city while cutting down on costs associated with renting cars or taking taxis!

In addition, providing bike and car share options can be another great way for hosts to help their guests get around sustainably. Bike shares are becoming increasingly popular amongst travelers who want access to two-wheeled transport without having to commit long-term; this provides an opportunity for airbnb hosts to offer cost effective and eco-friendly travel solutions for their guests!

Finally, exploring ways of improving access to public transportation is one more sustainable solution that Airbnb hosts should consider implementing. This could include working with local authorities on initiatives such as expanding existing routes or creating new ones that would benefit both residents and visitors alike - helping create better mobility options while reducing traffic congestion in busy areas near your rental property!

Go Paperless

Going paperless is a great way for Airbnb hosts to reduce their environmental impact while providing guests with an easy and convenient experience. By storing travel documents virtually, such as booking confirmations or check-in instructions, airbnb hosts can save time on printing out hard copies for each guest - eliminating the need for excessive amounts of paper.  Opting for online communication with both guests and other hosts helps reduce postage costs while also promoting sustainable practices within the industry itself!

Investing in digital advertising is one more excellent option if you want to increase bookings at your Airbnb property. This type of promotion allows you to target specific demographics based on age, location or interests – allowing you tailor ads directly towards those most likely interested in renting out your space. Additionally, digital campaigns usually require less financial investment than traditional methods like sending out mail, so they’re often a much more cost effective solution when looking into ways of boosting occupancy rates!


Overall, implementing sustainable practices in an Airbnb rental property is a powerful way for hosts to make a positive impact on the environment while providing guests with comfortable and convenient experiences. From energy efficient lighting solutions to composting organic waste, there are numerous ways of reducing carbon emissions from your rental property - allowing you to not only save money but also leave a lasting impression that encourages others to follow suit!

Implementing eco-friendly measures can help Airbnb hosts stand out from the competition as many travelers are now looking for properties that prioritize sustainability when choosing their next holiday destination. Offering amenities such as biodegradable products or access to public transportation shows guests that you care about their experience and the planet’s natural resources alike – creating an atmosphere of goodwill and respect which is always appreciated by visitors!

Find out how Dsar plans to become more sustainable this year: “Click here”